Thursday, January 29, 2009

Music for Sunday February 1

A new month.....we will celebrate communion @ BBC with the following songs:

We Have Come Into His House
I Will Call Upon the Lord
Since Jesus Came into My Heart
Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You
At the Cross
In Christ Alone (My Hope is Found)
I Am Thine, O Lord
Closing: Jesus is the Joy of Living

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Songs for Sunday January 25

Another Lord's Day is quickly approaching.
This weekend these songs will be offered in praise to God @ BBC:
Here I Am to Worship
At the Name of Jesus
All Hail King Jesus
In the Name of the Lord
We Will Glorify
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Jesus, We Crown You with Praise
Closing: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Worship Committee Meeting News & Notes

BBC Worship Committee Meeting
January 18, 2009
Jim Fowler, Chairman
Present: Jim & Diane Fowler, Una Copas, Carolyn & Don Wilson, Jane Stewart, Pastor Steve Sabin, Bob Menge
Don Wilson opened in prayer.
1) Meetings will be scheduled once per quarter on third Sundays (except for no meeting in July; the meeting will be the third Sunday in August). The next meeting will be April 19, unless a special session is called earlier.
2) Spiritual Life Conference: A check for $1000 will be sent to Darryl & Karen Savage for air transportation. They will also receive a $300 honorarium. Several possibilities for a meal were discussed, including catering, or potluck.
Darryl Savage is speaking for the '09 conference on Sept. 13; Dr. Mike Peck is our speaker in 2010. Speakers are need for 2011 and beyond. Possibilities: members of the theology dept. at Moody Bible Institute; Berd Taylor, who was interviewed recently on the local Moody affiliate radio station; work is ongoing.
3) Upcoming musical presentations: Easter is April 12. Carolyn Wilson will prepare several songs for the choir to sing on that day, with rehearsals to begin March 15. It was stated that this year, the Fifth Sunday activities are a potluck after the AM service, with no PM service.
4) A suggestion was made to have focused prayer for 5 or 6 families in the church each week, to be printed in the bulletin, or perhaps done during the AM Service.
5) Jane volunteered to coordinate special music for services.
Pastor Steve closed in prayer @ 7:57pm.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Music for Sunday January 18

This coming Sunday during our morning service we will witness a young person, in obedience to God, follow the Lord Jesus in baptism. What a special blessing that will be. Here are the songs:

Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Soon and Very Soon
When We See Christ
View the Present Through the Promise
What a Day That Will Be
Closing: Hear the Call of the Kingdom

Monday, January 12, 2009

Advice from D.L. Moody

I was doing some cleaning and sorting today when I came across a handout I picked up in 2005 at our denomination's Fall Conference, which our church hosted. In today's fast-paced world, these may seem old-fashioned, but they are worth striving for.

Advice for Christian Workers by D.L. Moody

1. Have for constant use a portable reference Bible, a concordance, and a topical textbook.
2. Always carry a Bible or Testament in your pocket.
3. Do not be afraid of marking it or making marginal notes.
4. Set apart time each day for study and meditation.
5. Always seek God to open the eyes of your understanding.
6. Cast every burden of doubt upon the Lord.
7. Believe in the Bible as God's revelation to you, and act accordingly. Reverence all Scripture.
8. Learn at least one verse of Scripture each day. Verses committed to memory will be wonderfully useful in your daily life.
9. Try at any cost to master the Bible. You ought to know it better than anyone in your congregation or class. Adopt a systematic plan for Bible Study and strive to be exact in quoting Scripture.
10. Always practice Ezra 7:10: Prepare your heart to study and obey the way of the Lord.

A challenge to each of us. May we take these to heart as we persevere in the service of God.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Music for Sunday January 11

A new year and new opportunities to serve the Lord. Here are the songs for this Sunday morning:

How Majestic Is Your Name
To God Be the Glory
The Greatest Thing
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness

-worship in giving-
I Will Sing of My Redeemer
In the Lord Alone
Grace Alone
Message: Living to Please God, Part 3

Closing: All for Jesus

I received two books in the mail today, purchases from

Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin
Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges

The first book is written by a well-respected worship leader and teacher. I anticipate learning much about the role of a leader of worship from this book.
The second book was recommended by Pastor Steve to the congregation a little over a month ago. I am looking forward to reading this book and being instructed and confronted with things that maybe I have allowed to enter my life, that should not be there. I will share with you my thoughts on these books.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This past Sunday Pastor Steve preached a message entitled "Worthy Resolutions for 2009."
The text was Jude vv. 17-23, keying on v. 20-23. Here are some key points:

1. Commit to pursuing spiritual growth (v. 20)

Jude urges us to CONTEND FOR THE FAITH
To do that we must know the scriptures and build ourselves up. 2 Timothy 2:15

2. Commit to obeying Jesus.................for the long haul (v. 21)

We must live in such a way as to receive the love that Jesus already has for us. He does not move from us; we move away from Him when we sin.

3. Commit to assisting others in their spiritual growth (v. 22-23)

When we were joined to Christ, we were also joined to all the other redeemed members of His Body.

Good resolutions for each and every year, not just 2009.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2008 in Review

Several new songs were added to our church singing, and we had positive reactions to special services such as the Spiritual Life Conference with Burt Kettinger, the Thanksgiving Praise Service, and our Christmas choir presentation entitled "A Christmas Offering."

Good things are happening, and we hope, by God's grace, to continue following the leading of the Holy Spirit in regards to the worship life of our church.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Music for Sunday January 4, 2009

After taking a few months off, I return to sharing with you the music being sung in the Sunday morning services at Bible Baptist Church in Rantoul IL. Here is the lineup for this coming Lord's Day, which as the first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday:

O Come, Let Us Adore Him
How Deep the Father's Love for Us
I'll Praise Your Name, Lord
-worship in giving-
My Savior's Love
The Power of the Cross
There is a Redeemer
Communion Celebration
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
(v 1, 2 during passing of bread)
(v 3, 4 during passing of cup)
Response: Be Thou My Vision

I wish for all of you a blessed and God-honoring New Year.